Thursday, August 7, 2008

Happy Birthday Kels!!!

We went to The Roof to celebrate Kelsey's Sweet 16!!! I can't believe my little baby sister is dating now!!! I love you Kelsey.... You are my mini-me in the making and my best friend :)


Chels said...

You and Kels look so cute together in that last picture! It looks like you guys had fun. I think it's wonderful that you all went out to a fancy dinner to celebrate her Sweet 16. I can't believe she's 16. She is definitely a "mini you" and that is so fun. It's nice to have someone who enjoys EVERYTHING you do and who you can count on to make you laugh and have a good time with. Tell Kels I say "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"

Jenn and Tyler said...

Looks like you're enjoying your summer break! You look amazing and happy!