Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Happy LATE Birthday Babe!!!

Happy B-day sweetie!!! Jake and I love you SO much... you are a WONDERFUL dad and husband :) Jake ate his entire cupcake at John's birthday party!!!


Jenn and Tyler said...

Happy Birthday John, jake is getting so big! He's such a cutie!

Maggie said...

Hey Holly, I just stalked you from the oly 2000 site. You guys are so cute and your baby is adorable. You look great and I hope all is going well. Anyway, take care.
Maggie (LeBaron)

Vic, Linds, and the girls... said...

Holly I sent you and invite to my blog let me know if it doesn't work.

Amanda & Jason said...

Happy B-day John. Hope it was a good one. Wish we could have all gotten together before we left. Hope your last year in Dental school is a good one. I hope that everthing else is going great. Looks like you guys had a great trip to Utah and all the other spots you all went to. Holly, i'll miss you and your great personality. you are always fun to talk too. Good luck and keep in touch with the blogs. If you are ever on the Rez give me a call! LOL!!!

Brianne Minster said...

Happy Birthday!!! It's sad how young you guys still are and how old, I mean experienced we are. He he he